KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

Our lives would not be possible without agriculture, which provides us with both the resources we need and the food we consume. Students explore the world of agriculture in Class 5 EVS, Chapter 8, learning about its importance, practices, and effects. This article will walk you through the English-medium Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 KSEEB (Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board) solutions for the year 2023. The foundation of human civilization is agriculture. Support life, entails rearing livestock, growing food, and using natural resources. Agriculture is essential for supplying food and raw resources, from tiny family farms to big industrial operations.KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture in English Medium (2023).

Remember: Observe the people who are working in the farms and fields. Remember the work they do there. Make a list of them.


  1. plowing.
  2. Sowing seeds.
  3. Watering.
  4. Manuring
  5. Weeding.
  6. Spraying chemicals to protect crops from pests.
  7. Harvesting well-established crops.
Look at the pictures given below. Read the statements given in front of the pictures. The pictures and statements do not match each other. Match the pictures with the correct statements by drawing a line.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture
KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

You have matched the pictures with the correct statements,  haven't you? These are the stages of growing crops. You have matched the pictures with the correct statements but they are not in the proper order. Write them in the correct order in the space given below.


  1. Plowing the ground to grow crops.
  2. Sowing seeds to grow crops.
  3. Irrigation for good growth of crops.
  4. Application of chemical or organic fertilizers for better growth of crops.
  5. Protecting the crop from animals, birds, insects, and diseases.
  6. Harvesting crops by machines or hand.

Farm laborers have problems of their own. Here are some statements. Put a (✔) mark on the statements that are related and a (X) mark on those that are not related to the problems of the farm laborers. 

1. Farm laborers do not get work throughout the year.  

2. They get very less wage. 

3. Farm laborers are very rich. 


1. Farm laborers do not get work throughout the year. ✔ 

2. They get very less wage. ✔ 

3. Farm laborers are very rich. X

Do this: Meet some farm laborers in your village. Write in the space given below, the problems they face.

 1) _________________________________________________________ 

2) __________________________________________________________


1. Non-availability of work for agricultural laborers throughout the year.

2. Wages for agricultural workers are very low.

Activity: With the help of your teacher make a list of solutions for the problems of farm labourers. 

1) _________________________________________________________ 

2) _________________________________________________________ 

3) _________________________________________________________


Doing other crafts during free time.

Developing subskills.

Limiting the use of earned money and focusing on savings.

What are the facilities that large-scale farmers get from the banks? Discuss and write in the space given below. 

1) _________________________________________________ 

2) _________________________________________________


They get subsidized loans to buy modern agricultural machinery.

They get interest-free loans for agricultural activities.

Make a list of drip irrigated crops and spray irrigated crops (take the help of teachers/elders).

Answer- Coconut, Banana, Mango, Papaya, Vegetables, Jackfruit, Sebe, Nut.

What are the uses of drip irrigation and spray irrigation? List out here.


Drip irrigation

  • Providing less water helps to get more good yield.
  • Water wastage can be prevented with moderate use of water.
  • Can control weeds.

Sprinkler irrigation

  • It is helpful in growing sugarcane, corn, coffee, and other crops.
  • Providing less water helps to get more good yield.
  • Water wastage can be prevented with moderate use of water.
You have learned about the types of agricultural land, haven't you? In recent years farmers follow two types of cultivation/farming to grow crops, whether it is rain-fed agricultural land or irrigated agricultural land. 

They are 

 1) Organic farming and 

2) Chemical farming To understand these methods, read the statements given below. 

With the help of your teacher identify the statements related to organic farming and chemical farming. Write them in the respective charts. 


• Chemical fertilizers are used.

 • Manure/organic compost is used for agricultural land. 

• Vermicompost is used to increase the fertility of the soil.

 • Pesticides are used to grow crops. 

• Green leaves/dry leaves are also used in this method of cultivation.


Organic farming-

• Manure/organic compost is used for agricultural land. 

• Vermicompost is used to increase the fertility of the soil.

Green leaves/dry leaves are also used in this method of cultivation.

Chemical farming -

Chemical fertilizers are used.

• Pesticides are used to grow crops. 

Activity: Many agricultural activities and secondary occupations are also practiced in mixed farming. With the help of your teacher make a list of secondary occupations.

Answer- rearing cattle, chicken, silk, honey, fish.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

Activity: Make a list of fruits, vegetables, and flowers that can be grown in Plantation farming. Get the help of the elders.

Answer- Pomegranate, Sapota, Mango, Lemon, Jackfruit, Orange, Grape, Apple, Seebe, Papaya, Nugge, Beans, Eggplant, Cucumber.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

 Class 5 EVS Question Answer Chapter 8 Agriculture.

Observe the pictures given below. Write the corresponding agricultural methods in the space given.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture


KSEEB Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture

Think: Preserving grains is essential. Why? How is it useful for both the farmer and buyers? Write here.


  • As food grains/ingredients grow more and more it is necessary to store them.
  • Stockpiling of food grains/materials is necessary to meet the shortage.
  • It is necessary to store food grains/ingredients for sale when good prices are available.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 8 Agriculture in English Medium (2023) FAQS-

What is the main occupation of our country?
The main occupation of our country is agriculture.
Who are the three types of farmers?
1) Agricultural workers
2) Small farmers
 3) Big farmers
Who are agricultural workers?
Answer-They do not have their own land. They work on someone else's farm to earn their living.
Who are small farmers?
North-Small farmers have little land of their own. on their farm
They live by the money they get from selling the crops they grow. He also has problems.

  • There will be a lack of money for farming.
  • Family maintenance becomes difficult as agricultural land is less.
  • Agricultural land has fewer water facilities (irrigation). In many situations, there is no water available for the land.
  • They do not have proper guidance to harvest crops according to the fertility of the agricultural land and according to the season.
Who are the big farmers?
Generally, large cultivators have more land. Apart from family members, helpers are also in large numbers for agricultural work on the farm.
  • It has made some statements about the big cultivators. notice
  • Buy and use modern agricultural machinery.
  • Grains are stored in warehouses and sold when the price is good.
  • They use the financial facility of banks.
  • They earn more by cultivating various crops.
How is agricultural land (land) held by cultivators divided?
Agricultural land (land) held by cultivators is mainly of two types
1) Rain-fed agricultural land 2) Irrigated agricultural land
What is Rainfed Farmland?
Land in low rainfall areas is rainfed agricultural land.
Crops that use less water are grown according to the soil of the land.
Khushki or dryland cultivation of rain-fed agricultural land.
What is irrigated agriculture?
Apart from rainwater for crops, water is supplied from lakes, canals, wells, and tube wells. Thus farming using water is called irrigated agriculture.
What are irrigated crops?
Crops like sugarcane, rice, and cotton are grown on irrigated land according to the soil. They are called irrigated crops.
Farmers with irrigation sources follow typical irrigation practices to prevent excessive wastage of water What are they?
Farmers with irrigation sources follow specific irrigation practices to prevent excessive wastage of water. They are –
1) Drip irrigation
2) Sprinkler irrigation
What is compact farming?
Cultivation of 2 to 3 crops per year on a single agricultural plot. For example, maize, rice, millet,
Sunflower, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sorghum.
What is mixed farming?
In addition to growing crops in the fields, cattle, chicken, silk, and honey are also reared.
What is gardening?
Growing different fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea or flowers on agricultural land instead of food crops.

kseeb solutions for class 5 evs in English (2023)


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