101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

The human digestive system is a complex and fascinating system responsible for breaking down the food we eat into nutrients that our body can absorb and utilize. As a Class 10 student, it's essential to have a solid understanding of this process, as it not only helps us maintain good health but also forms the basis of various biological concepts. In this article, we will explore some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the human digestive system to test and enhance your knowledge. So, let's get started!

Human Digestive System: The main topic at the center of the mind map, represents the overall subject of the digestive system.

Digestive System Introduction: A branch representing a brief overview of the digestive system.

Digestive Organs: The main branches representing the key organs involved in the human digestive system:

Mouth: The starting point of digestion, where food is ingested and mixed with saliva to form a bolus.

Alimentary Canal (Digestive Tract): The long tube through which food passes during digestion, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Esophagus: A muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach using peristaltic movements.

Stomach: The organ where food is churned and mixed with gastric juices to form chyme.

Small Intestine: The longest part of the digestive tract, responsible for most digestion and nutrient absorption.

Parts of the Small Intestine:

Duodenum: The first part of the small intestine where bile and pancreatic enzymes enter to aid in digestion.

Ileum: The final and longest segment of the small intestine, responsible for further nutrient absorption.

Large Intestine (Colon): The branch representing the last part of the digestive tract, where water absorption and formation of feces occur.

Functions of the Digestive System: The two main functions of the digestive system:

Absorption of Nutrients: The process of nutrients being absorbed from the digested food into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine.

Elimination of Waste: The removal of indigestible waste (such as fiber and undigested food) from the body through the rectum and anus.

101 multiple-choice questions with answers and explanations about the human digestive system for Class 10:

1. Which of the following is the primary site for the digestion of food in the human body?

   a) Stomach

   b) Liver

   c) Small intestine

   d) Mouth


Answer: d) Mouth

   Explanation: The process of digestion starts in the mouth with the breakdown of food

by chewing and the action of saliva.

2. What is the function of the enzyme amylase in the digestive system?

   a) Breakdown of proteins

   b) Breakdown of fats

   c) Breakdown of carbohydrates

   d) Breakdown of nucleic acids

   Answer: c) Breakdown of carbohydrates

   Explanation: Amylase is an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates (starches)

into simpler sugars.

3. Which of the following is NOT a part of the alimentary canal?

   a) Esophagus

   b) Stomach

   c) Liver

   d) Small intestine

   Answer: c) Liver

   Explanation: The liver is an accessory organ of the digestive system and is not part

of the alimentary canal. It produces bile, which aids in fat digestion.

4. Bile is stored in which organ?

   a) Gallbladder

   b) Pancreas

   c) Liver

   d) Stomach

   Answer: a) Gallbladder

   Explanation: Bile, produced by the liver, is stored in the gallbladder before being

released into the small intestine to aid in fat digestion.

5. The process of absorption of nutrients primarily occurs in which part of the digestive


   a) Stomach

   b) Small intestine

   c) Large intestine

   d) Esophagus

   Answer: b) Small intestine

   Explanation: The majority of nutrient absorption, including proteins, carbohydrates,

and fats, takes place in the small intestine.

6. What is the function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

   a) Breaking down carbohydrates

   b) Killing harmful bacteria

   c) Breaking down proteins

   d) Breaking down fats

   Answer: c) Breaking down proteins

   Explanation: Hydrochloric acid in the stomach helps denature proteins and activate

the enzyme pepsin for protein digestion.

7. The semi-liquid mass of partially digested food in the stomach is called:

   a) Chyme

   b) Bolus

   c) Bile

   d) Pepsin

   Answer: a) Chyme

   Explanation: Chyme is the acidic, semi-liquid mixture of partially digested food

and gastric juices in the stomach.

8. What is the role of mucus in the stomach lining?

   a) Absorption of nutrients

   b) Producing hydrochloric acid

   c) Protecting the stomach lining from acidic damage

   d) Breaking down fats

   Answer: c) Protecting the stomach lining from acidic damage

   Explanation: Mucus in the stomach acts as a protective layer, preventing

the stomach's acidic contents from damaging its own lining.

9. Which of the following is NOT a function of the pancreas in the digestive system?

   a) Producing insulin for glucose regulation

   b) Producing enzymes for digestion

   c) Producing bile for fat digestion

   d) Producing bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid

   Answer: c) Producing bile for fat digestion

   Explanation: The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate,

but bile is produced by the liver.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

10. What is the role of villi in the small intestine?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Production of enzymes

    c) Secretion of hydrochloric acid

    d) Mixing of chyme

    Answer: a) Absorption of nutrients

    Explanation: Villi are tiny finger-like projections in the small intestine

that increase the surface area for the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

11. Which enzyme in the small intestine helps in the digestion of fats?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

    c) Lipase

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: c) Lipase

    Explanation: Lipase is the enzyme responsible for the digestion of fats into

fatty acids and glycerol in the small intestine.

12. Which of the following is a function of the large intestine?

    a) Digestion of food

    b) Absorption of nutrients

    c) Production of bile

    d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Answer: d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Explanation: The primary function of the large intestine is to absorb

water and electrolytes from the remaining indigestible food material, forming feces.

13. The process of removing undigested waste material from the body is called:

    a) Digestion

    b) Absorption

    c) Egestion

    d) Assimilation

    Answer: c) Egestion

    Explanation: Egestion is the process of eliminating undigested waste materials,

such as feces, from the body.

14. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Pepsin is a protease enzyme that breaks down proteins into

smaller peptides in the stomach.

15. What is the role of bile in the digestion of fats?

    a) Emulsification of fats

    b) Breakdown of fats into fatty acids

    c) Neutralization of stomach acid

    d) Activation of enzymes for fat digestion

    Answer: a) Emulsification of fats

    Explanation: Bile emulsifies fats, breaking them into smaller droplets

and increasing their surface area for better digestion by lipase.

16. The main function of the gallbladder is to:

    a) Produce bile

    b) Store and concentrate bile

    c) Produce enzymes for digestion

    d) Store glucose

    Answer: b) Store and concentrate bile

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver,

releasing it into the small intestine as needed.

17. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for peristalsis, the rhythmic

contractions that move food along the digestive tract?

    a) Esophagus

    b) Small intestine

    c) Stomach

    d) Large intestine

    Answer: a) Esophagus

    Explanation: Peristalsis is the coordinated muscular contractions that propel food

through the esophagus and the rest of the digestive tract.

18. Which of the following substances is produced in the pancreas to neutralize

acidic chyme in the small intestine?

    a) Amylase

    b) Bile

    c) Hydrochloric acid

    d) Bicarbonate

    Answer: d) Bicarbonate

    Explanation: The pancreas produces bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme

from the stomach, creating an optimal pH for enzyme action in the small intestine.

19. Which of the following is NOT a type of digestive enzyme?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

 c) Insulin

    d) Lipase

    Answer: c) Insulin

    Explanation: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas involved in the

regulation of blood glucose levels and not a digestive enzyme.

20. The process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms

is known as:

    a) Assimilation

    b) Ingestion

    c) Digestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Digestion

    Explanation: Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances

into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used by the body.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

21. The enzyme pepsin is secreted in an inactive form called:

    a) Chyme

    b) Pepsinogen

    c) Protease

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: b) Pepsinogen

    Explanation: Pepsin is secreted in the stomach as an inactive form called pepsinogen,

which is then activated by the acidic environment.

22. Which organ stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when needed for

fat digestion?

    a) Liver

    b) Pancreas

    c) Gallbladder

    d) Stomach

    Answer: c) Gallbladder

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine

when fat digestion is required.

23. The inner lining of the small intestine is covered with finger-like projections called:

    a) Gastric pits

    b) Villi

    c) Microvilli

    d) Ridges

    Answer: b) Villi

    Explanation: Villi are finger-like projections on the inner lining of the

small intestine that increase the surface area for nutrient absorption.

24. The process of chewing food is known as:

    a) Peristalsis

    b) Mastication

    c) Deglutition

    d) Digestion

    Answer: b) Mastication

    Explanation: Mastication is the process of chewing food in the mouth, which breaks it

down into smaller particles for easier digestion.

25. Which part of the tooth contains blood vessels and nerves?

    a) Enamel

    b) Pulp

    c) Dentin

    d) Cementum

    Answer: b) Pulp

    Explanation: The pulp is the innermost part of the tooth and contains blood vessels

and nerves.

26. The enzyme salivary amylase helps in the digestion of:

    a) Proteins

    b) Fats

    c) Carbohydrates

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Carbohydrates

    Explanation: Salivary amylase is an enzyme that begins the digestion of

carbohydrates (starches) into simpler sugars.

27. What prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing?

    a) Epiglottis

    b) Uvula

    c) Pharynx

    d) Larynx

    Answer: a) Epiglottis

    Explanation: The epiglottis is a flap-like structure that covers the trachea during

swallowing, preventing food from entering the airway.

28. Which of the following is a function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

    a) Neutralizing the stomach contents

    b) Killing harmful bacteria in the food

    c) Absorbing nutrients from the food

    d) Breaking down complex carbohydrates

    Answer: b) Killing harmful bacteria in the food

    Explanation: Hydrochloric acid in the stomach helps to kill harmful bacteria

present in the ingested food.

29. What is the function of the small intestine in the digestive system?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Production of digestive enzymes

    c) Mixing and grinding of food

    d) Storage of bile

    Answer: a) Absorption of nutrients

    Explanation: The primary function of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients

from the digested food into the bloodstream.

30. The function of the esophagus is to:

    a) Digest proteins

    b) Absorb nutrients

    c) Mix food with saliva

    d) Transport food from the mouth to the stomach

    Answer: d) Transport food from the mouth to the stomach

    Explanation: The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food from the mouth

to the stomach through a process called peristalsis.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

31. The main function of the stomach in the digestive system is:

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Storage of bile

    c) Mixing and churning of food

    d) Digestion of fats

    Answer: c) Mixing and churning of food

    Explanation: The stomach's main function is to mix and churn food with

gastric juices to form chyme.

32. Which of the following substances is NOT digested in the mouth?

    a) Proteins

    b) Carbohydrates

    c) Fats

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Fats

    Explanation: Fats are not digested in the mouth; their digestion starts in

the small intestine with the help of bile and lipase.

33. Bile is produced in which organ of the digestive system?

    a) Liver

    b) Stomach

    c) Pancreas

    d) Gallbladder

    Answer: a) Liver

    Explanation: Bile is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder

before being released into the small intestine.

34. Which of the following is a function of the liver in the digestive system?

    a) Producing digestive enzymes

    b) Absorbing nutrients

    c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    d) Producing saliva

    Answer: c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    Explanation: The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying harmful substances from

the bloodstream and producing bile for fat digestion.

35. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of proteins

into peptides?

    a) Small intestine

    b) Stomach

    c) Large intestine

    d) Esophagus

    Answer: b) Stomach

    Explanation: The stomach's acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin help break

down proteins into smaller peptides.

36. The enzyme trypsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Trypsin is a protease enzyme produced by the pancreas and is

responsible for digesting proteins in the small intestine.

37. What is the primary function of the large intestine in the digestive system?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Digestion of fats

    c) Mixing and churning of food

    d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Answer: d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Explanation: The large intestine primarily absorbs water and electrolytes from

the remaining indigestible food material, forming feces.

38. The process of removing undigested waste material from the body is called:

    a) Digestion

    b) Assimilation

    c) Egestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Egestion

   Explanation: Egestion is the process of eliminating undigested waste materials,

such as feces, from the body.

39. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Pepsin is a protease enzyme that breaks down proteins into

smaller peptides in the stomach.

40. What is the role of bile in the digestion of fats?

    a) Emulsification of fats

    b) Breakdown of fats into fatty acids

    c) Neutralization of stomach acid

    d) Activation of enzymes for fat digestion

    Answer: a) Emulsification of fats

    Explanation: Bile emulsifies fats, breaking them into smaller droplets and

increasing their surface area for better digestion by lipase.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

41. The main function of the gallbladder is to:

    a) Produce bile

    b) Store and concentrate bile

    c) Produce enzymes for digestion

    d) Store glucose

    Answer: b) Store and concentrate bile

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver,

releasing it into the small intestine as needed.

42. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for peristalsis, the rhythmic

contractions that move food along the digestive tract?

    a) Esophagus

    b) Small intestine

    c) Stomach

    d) Large intestine

    Answer: a) Esophagus

    Explanation: Peristalsis is the coordinated muscular contractions that propel food t

hrough the esophagus and the rest of the digestive tract.

43. Which of the following substances is produced in the pancreas to neutralize acidic

chyme in the small intestine?

    a) Amylase

    b) Bile

    c) Hydrochloric acid

    d) Bicarbonate

    Answer: d) Bicarbonate

    Explanation: The pancreas produces bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme

from the stomach, creating an optimal pH for enzyme action in the small intestine.

44. Which of the following is NOT a type of digestive enzyme?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

    c) Insulin

    d) Lipase

    Answer: c) Insulin

    Explanation: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas involved in the

regulation of blood glucose levels and not a digestive enzyme.

45. The process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms is known as:

    a) Assimilation

    b) Ingestion

    c) Digestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Digestion

    Explanation: Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances

into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used by the body.

46. The enzyme pepsin is secreted in an inactive form called:

    a) Chyme

    b) Pepsinogen

    c) Protease

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: b) Pepsinogen

    Explanation: Pepsin is secreted in the stomach as an inactive form called pepsinogen,

which is then activated by the acidic environment.

47. Which organ stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when needed for

fat digestion?

    a) Liver

    b) Pancreas

    c) Gallbladder

    d) Stomach

    Answer: c) Gallbladder

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when

fat digestion is required.

48. The inner lining of the small intestine is covered with finger-like projections called:

    a) Gastric pits

    b) Villi

    c) Microvilli

    d) Ridges

    Answer: b) Villi

    Explanation: Villi are finger-like projections on the inner lining of the small intestine

that increase the surface area for nutrient absorption.

49. The process of chewing food is known as:

    a) Peristalsis

    b) Mastication

    c) Deglutition

    d) Digestion

    Answer: b) Mastication

    Explanation: Mastication is the process of chewing food in the mouth, which breaks

it down into smaller particles for easier digestion.

50. Which of the following substances is NOT digested in the mouth?

    a) Proteins

    b) Carbohydrates

    c) Fats

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Fats

    Explanation: Fats are not digested in the mouth; their digestion starts in the small

intestine with the help of bile and lipase.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

51. Bile is produced in which organ of the digestive system?

    a) Liver

    b) Stomach

    c) Pancreas

    d) Gallbladder

    Answer: a) Liver

    Explanation: Bile is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder before

being released into the small intestine.

52. Which of the following is a function of the liver in the digestive system?

    a) Producing digestive enzymes

    b) Absorbing nutrients

    c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    d) Producing saliva

    Answer: c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    Explanation: The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying harmful substances from

the bloodstream and producing bile for fat digestion.

53. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of proteins

into peptides?

    a) Small intestine

    b) Stomach

    c) Large intestine

    d) Esophagus

    Answer: b) Stomach

    Explanation: The stomach's acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin help break

down proteins into smaller peptides.

54. The enzyme trypsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Trypsin is a protease enzyme produced by the pancreas and is

responsible for digesting proteins in the small intestine.

55. What is the primary function of the large intestine in the digestive system?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Digestion of fats

    c) Mixing and churning of food

    d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Answer: d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Explanation: The large intestine primarily absorbs water and electrolytes from

the remaining indigestible food material, forming feces.

56. The process of removing undigested waste material from the body is called:

    a) Digestion

    b) Assimilation

    c) Egestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Egestion

    Explanation: Egestion is the process of eliminating undigested waste materials,

such as feces, from the body.

57. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Pepsin is a protease enzyme that

 breaks down proteins into smaller peptides in the stomach.

58. What is the role of bile in the digestion of fats?

    a) Emulsification of fats

    b) Breakdown of fats into fatty acids

    c) Neutralization of stomach acid

    d) Activation of enzymes for fat digestion

    Answer: a) Emulsification of fats

    Explanation: Bile emulsifies fats, breaking them into smaller droplets and

increasing their surface area for better digestion by lipase.

59. The main function of the gallbladder is to:

    a) Produce bile

    b) Store and concentrate bile

    c) Produce enzymes for digestion

    d) Store glucose

    Answer: b) Store and concentrate bile

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver,

releasing it into the small intestine as needed.

60. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for peristalsis, the rhythmic

contractions that move food along the digestive tract?

    a) Esophagus

    b) Small intestine

    c) Stomach

    d) Large intestine

    Answer: a) Esophagus

    Explanation: Peristalsis is the coordinated muscular contractions that propel

food through the esophagus and the rest of the digestive tract.

61. Which of the following substances is produced in the pancreas to neutralize

acidic chyme in the small intestine?

    a) Amylase

    b) Bile

    c) Hydrochloric acid

    d) Bicarbonate

    Answer: d) Bicarbonate

    Explanation: The pancreas produces bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme

from the stomach, creating an optimal pH for enzyme action in the small intestine.

62. Which of the following is NOT a type of digestive enzyme?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

    c) Insulin

    d) Lipase

    Answer: c) Insulin

    Explanation: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas involved in

the regulation of blood glucose levels and not a digestive enzyme.

63. The process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms

is known as:

    a) Assimilation

    b) Ingestion

    c) Digestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Digestion

    Explanation: Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances

into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used by the body.

64. The enzyme pepsin is secreted in an inactive form called:

    a) Chyme

    b) Pepsinogen

    c) Protease

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: b) Pepsinogen

    Explanation: Pepsin is secreted in the stomach as an inactive form called pepsinogen,

which is then activated by the acidic environment.

65. Which organ stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when needed for fat


    a) Liver

    b) Pancreas

    c) Gallbladder

    d) Stomach

    Answer: c) Gallbladder

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when

fat digestion is required.

66. The inner lining of the small intestine is covered with finger-like projections called:

    a) Gastric pits

    b) Villi

    c) Microvilli

    d) Ridges

    Answer: b) Villi

    Explanation: Villi are finger-like projections on the inner lining of the small intestine

that increase the surface area for nutrient absorption.

101 MCQ on Human Digestive System Class 10

67. The process of chewing food is known as:

    a) Peristalsis

    b) Mastication

    c) Deglutition

    d) Digestion

    Answer: b) Mastication

    Explanation: Mastication is the process of chewing food in the mouth, which breaks

it down into smaller particles for easier digestion.

68. Which of the following substances is NOT digested in the mouth?

    a) Proteins

    b) Carbohydrates

    c) Fats

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Fats

    Explanation: Fats are not digested in the mouth; their digestion starts in the

small intestine with the help of bile and lipase.

69. Bile is produced in which organ of the digestive system?

    a) Liver

    b) Stomach

    c) Pancreas

    d) Gallbladder

    Answer: a) Liver

    Explanation: Bile is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder before

being released into the small intestine.

70. Which of the following is a function of the liver in the digestive system?

    a) Producing digestive enzymes

    b) Absorbing nutrients

    c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    d) Producing saliva

    Answer: c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    Explanation: The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying harmful substances from

the bloodstream and producing bile for fat digestion.

71. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of proteins

into peptides?

    a) Small intestine

    b) Stomach

    c) Large intestine

    d) Esophagus

    Answer: b) Stomach

    Explanation: The stomach's acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin help break

down proteins into smaller peptides.

72. The enzyme trypsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Trypsin is a protease enzyme produced by the pancreas and is responsible for digesting proteins in the small intestine.

73. What is the primary function of the large intestine in the digestive system?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Digestion of fats

    c) Mixing and churning of food

    d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Answer: d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Explanation: The large intestine primarily absorbs water and electrolytes from

the remaining indigestible food material, forming feces.

74. The process of removing undigested waste material from the body is called:

    a) Digestion

    b) Assimilation

    c) Egestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Egestion

    Explanation: Egestion is the process of eliminating undigested waste materials,

such as feces, from the body.

75. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Pepsin is a protease enzyme that breaks down proteins

into smaller peptides in the stomach.

76. What is the role of bile in the digestion of fats?

    a) Emulsification of fats

    b) Breakdown of fats into fatty acids

    c) Neutralization of stomach acid

    d) Activation of enzymes for fat digestion

    Answer: a) Emulsification of fats

    Explanation: Bile emulsifies fats, breaking them into smaller droplets

and increasing their surface area for better digestion by lipase.

77. The main function of the gallbladder is to:

    a) Produce bile

    b) Store and concentrate bile

    c) Produce enzymes for digestion

    d) Store glucose

    Answer: b) Store and concentrate bile

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver,

releasing it into the small intestine as needed.

78. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for peristalsis, the rhythmic

contractions that move food along the digestive tract?

    a) Esophagus

    b) Small intestine

    c) Stomach

    d) Large intestine

    Answer: a) Esophagus

    Explanation: Peristalsis is the coordinated muscular contractions that propel

food through the esophagus and the rest of the digestive tract.

79. Which of the following substances is produced in the pancreas to neutralize

acidic chyme in the small intestine?

    a) Amylase

    b) Bile

    c) Hydrochloric acid

    d) Bicarbonate

    Answer: d) Bicarbonate

    Explanation: The pancreas produces bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme from the stomach, creating an optimal pH for enzyme action in the small intestine.

80. Which of the following is NOT a type of digestive enzyme?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

    c) Insulin

    d) Lipase

    Answer: c) Insulin

    Explanation: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas involved in the

regulation of blood glucose levels and not a digestive enzyme.

81. The process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms is known as:

    a) Assimilation

    b) Ingestion

    c) Digestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Digestion

    Explanation: Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances

into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used by the body.

82. The enzyme pepsin is secreted in an inactive form called:

    a) Chyme

    b) Pepsinogen

    c) Protease

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: b) Pepsinogen

    Explanation: Pepsin is secreted in the stomach as an inactive form called pepsinogen,

which is then activated by the acidic environment.

83. Which organ stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when needed for

fat digestion?

    a) Liver

    b) Pancreas

    c) Gallbladder

    d) Stomach

    Answer: c) Gallbladder

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when

fat digestion is required.

84. The inner lining of the small intestine is covered with finger-like projections called:

    a) Gastric pits

    b) Villi

    c) Microvilli

    d) Ridges

    Answer: b) Villi

    Explanation: Villi are finger-like projections on the inner lining of the small intestine

that increase the surface area for nutrient absorption.

85. The process of chewing food is known as:

    a) Peristalsis

    b) Mastication

    c) Deglutition

    d) Digestion

    Answer: b) Mastication

    Explanation: Mastication is the process of chewing food in the mouth, which breaks

it down into smaller particles for easier digestion.

86. Which of the following substances is NOT digested in the mouth?

    a) Proteins

    b) Carbohydrates

    c) Fats

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Fats

    Explanation: Fats are not digested in the mouth; their digestion starts in the small

intestine with the help of bile and lipase.

87. Bile is produced in which organ of the digestive system?

    a) Liver

    b) Stomach

    c) Pancreas

    d) Gallbladder

    Answer: a) Liver

    Explanation: Bile is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder before

being released into the small intestine.

88. Which of the following is a function of the liver in the digestive system?

    a) Producing digestive enzymes

    b) Absorbing nutrients

    c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    d) Producing saliva

    Answer: c) Detoxifying harmful substances

    Explanation: The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying harmful substances from

the bloodstream and producing bile for fat digestion.

89. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of proteins

into peptides?

    a) Small intestine

    b) Stomach

    c) Large intestine

    d) Esophagus

    Answer: b) Stomach

    Explanation: The stomach's acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin help

break down proteins into smaller peptides.

90. The enzyme trypsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Trypsin is a protease enzyme produced by the pancreas and

is responsible for digesting proteins in the small intestine.

91. What is the primary function of the large intestine in the digestive system?

    a) Absorption of nutrients

    b) Digestion of fats

    c) Mixing and churning of food

    d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Answer: d) Absorption of water and electrolytes

    Explanation: The large intestine primarily absorbs water and electrolytes from

the remaining indigestible food material, forming feces.

92. The process of removing undigested waste material from the body is called:

    a) Digestion

    b) Assimilation

    c) Egestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Egestion

    Explanation: Egestion is the process of eliminating undigested waste materials,

such as feces, from the body.

93. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for the digestion of:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Fats

    c) Proteins

    d) Nucleic acids

    Answer: c) Proteins

    Explanation: Pepsin is a protease enzyme that breaks down proteins into

smaller peptides in the stomach.

94. What is the role of bile in the digestion of fats?

    a) Emulsification of fats

    b) Breakdown of fats into fatty acids

    c) Neutralization of stomach acid

    d) Activation of enzymes for fat digestion

    Answer: a) Emulsification of fats

    Explanation: Bile emulsifies fats, breaking them into smaller droplets and

increasing their surface area for better digestion by lipase.

95. The main function of the gallbladder is to:

    a) Produce bile

    b) Store and concentrate bile

    c) Produce enzymes for digestion

    d) Store glucose

    Answer: b) Store and concentrate bile

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver,

releasing it into the small intestine as


96. Which part of the digestive system is responsible for peristalsis,

the rhythmic contractions that move food along the digestive tract?

    a) Esophagus

    b) Small intestine

    c) Stomach

    d) Large intestine

    Answer: a) Esophagus

    Explanation: Peristalsis is the coordinated muscular contractions that

propel food through the esophagus and the rest of the digestive tract.

97. Which of the following substances is produced in the pancreas to neutralize

acidic chyme in the small intestine?

    a) Amylase

    b) Bile

    c) Hydrochloric acid

    d) Bicarbonate

    Answer: d) Bicarbonate

    Explanation: The pancreas produces bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme from

the stomach, creating an optimal pH for enzyme action in the small intestine.

98. Which of the following is NOT a type of digestive enzyme?

    a) Amylase

    b) Pepsin

    c) Insulin

    d) Lipase

    Answer: c) Insulin

    Explanation: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas involved in

the regulation of blood glucose levels and not a digestive enzyme.

99. The process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler forms is known as:

    a) Assimilation

    b) Ingestion

    c) Digestion

    d) Absorption

    Answer: c) Digestion

    Explanation: Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances

into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used by the body.

100. The enzyme pepsin is secreted in an inactive form called:

    a) Chyme

    b) Pepsinogen

    c) Protease

    d) Trypsin

    Answer: b) Pepsinogen

    Explanation: Pepsin is secreted in the stomach as an inactive form called pepsinogen,

which is then activated by the acidic environment.

101. Which organ stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when needed for

fat digestion?

    a) Liver

    b) Pancreas

    c) Gallbladder

    d) Stomach

    Answer: c) Gallbladder

    Explanation: The gallbladder stores bile and releases it into the small intestine when

fat digestion is required.

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